It is a gradual rise in all of an organism's components. It's an increase in the amount of biomass.
It occurs at the same time as bacterial cell reproduction.
Time for creation
It is the time it takes for a bacterial population to double in size. Bacteria multiply by absorbing nutrients and incorporating them into cellular components, after which they divide into two equal daughter cells and multiply by two.
Phases of bacterial development
After inoculating a bacterium into a new culture media, the pattern in cell counts displayed by the bacterial population.
There are four phases to a normal bacterial growth curve.
1. Lag phase
The period of active macromolecular synthesis, such as DNA, RNA, different enzymes, and other structural components, during which the organism adapts.
It is the moment when the body prepares for reproduction; there is no rise in the number of cells.
2. Exponential(log) phase
The time when cells are actively multiplying.
Cell division occurs at a logarithmic rate, which is determined by the medium and culture conditions.
3. Maximal stationary phase
The time when the bacteria's cell density or yield has reached its maximum.
There is no additional growth in the number of viable bacterial cells.
The rate of growth is exactly equal to the rate of death.
When one of the bacteria in a population stops growing, the population becomes stagnant.
following conditions occur:
1. The required nutrients are exhausted
2. Inhibitory end products are accumulated
3. Physical conditions do not permit a further increase in
population size
4. Decline phase
The period at which the rate of death of bacterial cells exceeds the rate of new cell formation.
There is drastic decline in viable cells.
Few creatures can survive for this long on nutrients supplied by dying microorganisms.
Nice job but generation time not creation time